The Walking Dead is a truly incredible series of video games and it all started here. When you think of the modern point and click style game, The Walking Dead by Telltale Games is 9/10 the first game you think of. There are also some sections where you get to use a gun and have to do something a little more action packed. You can control Lee and make him move around, interact with stuff and talk to people. They are all so strong that I would actually struggle to pick a favorite out of them all as they all have something that makes each one special.

The Walking Dead Season One is spread across five chapters and I really do not think that there is a weak one in the bunch. It was one of those things where the first time I played the game I was latterly stunned at what I had to do. You, of course, lose members of your group along the way and there is a scene with Kenny, his wife and their son that is truly heartbreaking stuff. My favorite has always been Kenny and I found that I sided with him through pretty much everything that happened. Take ChargeĪs well as Clementine, you come across many other characters who are memorable. You really would do anything to protect her and the game really pulls at your emotions. The relationship between Lee and Clementine is one that is really special and one of the best that I have ever come across in a video game. Lee and Clementine strike up a friendship right away and he agrees to take her to Savannah where she thinks her parents are. She is a little girl who has been left alone after her parents went to stay in a hotel for the weekend and her baby sitter got killed by a Walker. Shortly after the first episode begins, we come across who would become the real main character of the series, Clementine. I though think that the first play through that you make, where you make all your choices on pure instinct is really magical stuff. In theory, this means that The Walking Dead is great for multiple playthroughs and it is. Sometimes it can have a really dramatic effect on what happens next. What you say matters greatly as does what you do. Lee can talk to many different people and there is always a choice of what you can say. This is a story driven game that actually has more in common with point and click adventure games than it does anything else. This is not an action shooter like you would think a game about zombies would be. However, when The Walking Dead was released in 2012 it was quite a different story and many people were blown away with the way the game played. It All Mattersīy now most people know the formula of one of these games inside and out. You hit a walker and Lee’s whole world gets turned even more upside down than when he got convicted of murder. You make small talk with the officer who is driving you and then BAM. Right from the start, the game does a great job of getting you to connect with Lee. He is a well-educated university professor and he is on his way to jail after being convicted of murder.
Operating System: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8 and 8.The character that you play as in The Walking Dead is Lee Everett. Screen-shots Of This Game Was Good For The Player. The Art Style Of This Game Was Good To See. Yet This Game Have Great Emotional Story. It Is A Good Game Time And Nice Replay-ability.Īlthough In This Game The Roles Have Great Voice Acting. You Have To Show Your Skills In This Game.

Game Sounds Along With Graphics Are Great. The Story Line Is So Emotional In This Game.

Player Have Good Voice Acting In This Game. You may also like: Iratus Lord of the Dead So You Have To Make Your Steps Carefully. You Have To Show Your Skills As Long As Possible In This Game. Things Were Too Complex And Effective To Build Up To The Conclusion. Also All The Roles Are Make With Perfect Voices.